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Research project "Transformative Landscape Management to improve water quality and to protect ecosystem services within the water-energy-food nexus" 

Funded by German Federal Environmental Foundation

Duration: January 2020 – August 2023

Participating institutions: Research Group Resource Management, Institute of Geography (University of Osnabrück), Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesischer Wasserverband, Niedersächsische Landesforsten, Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen (cooperation partners)

Starting points and aim of research: Intensive agriculture has shown negative effects on the quality of surface water and groundwater as well as on biodiversity. Against this background, this transdisciplinary project aims at the development of solution strategies by using an integrated landscape management approach.

Approach: In a first step, data on the causes of the environmental problems and the state of ecosystem services will be processed and interpreted. Additionally, we will identify innovative business models as well as cooperative solutions that combine commercial and nature conservational goals. These innovations will be analysed and further developed in transition experiments. Communication between innovators will be enabled through a newly established strategic platform. In this platform we will also look for ways to institutionalise our approach on a regional scale. Besides, we will develop a strategy to communicate the results of the project, to transfer the gained knowledge and to build capacity in the region. 


Resources Management: Dr. Johannes Halbe, Nadine Müller, Prof. Dr. Claudia Pahl-Wostl

Agroecology and Soil Science: Birte Frerichmann, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Broll