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Publications since 2003

Research group Applied Systems Science

Journal articles      Book chapters and Proceedings       Books       Abstracts       Non-peer-reviewed

(names of current research group members are in bold face type)

Journal articles (peer-reviewed)


DeAngelis DL, Franco D, Hastings A, Hilker FM, Lenhart S, Lutscher F, Petrovskaya N, Petrovskii S, Tyson RC (2021) Towards building a sustainable future: Positioning ecological modelling for impact in ecosystems management. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 83, 107.

Duarte DJ, Niebaum G, Lämmchen V, van Heijnsbergen E, Oldenkamp R, Hernández-Leal L, Schmitt H, Ragas AMJ, Klasmeier J (2021) Ecological risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in the transboundary Vecht River (Germany and The Netherlands). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, doi:10.1002/etc.5062.

Grey S, Lenhart S, Hilker FM, Franco D (2021) Optimal control of harvesting timing in discrete population models. Natural Resource Modeling 34, e12321.

Lämmchen V, Klasmeier J, Hernandez-Leal L, Berlekamp J (2021) Spatial modelling of micro-pollutants in a strongly regulated cross-border lowland catchment. Environmental Processes 8, 973-992.

Lämmchen V, Niebaum G, Berlekamp J, Klasmeier J (2021) Geo-referenced simulation of pharmaceuticals in whole watersheds: application of GREAT-ER 4.1 in Germany. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 21926-21935.

Peters R, Berlekamp J, Lucía A, Stefani V, Tockner K, Zarfl C (2021) Integrated impact assessment for sustainable hydropower planning in the Vjosa catchment (Greece, Albania). Sustainability 13, 1514.

Sun AT, Hilker FM (2021) Comparison between best-response dynamics and replicator dynamics in a social-ecological model of lake eutrophication. Journal of Theoretical Biology 509, 110491.

Wöhler L, Brouwer P, Augustijn DCM, Hoekstra AY, Hogeboom RJ, Irvine B, Lämmchen V, Niebaum G, Krol MS (2021) An integrated modelling approach to derive the grey water footprint of veterinary antibiotics. Environmental Pollution 288, 117746.

Wöhler L, Niebaum G, Krol M, Hoekstra AY (2020) The grey water footprint of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals. Water Research X 7, 100044.


Adamson MW, Dawes JHP, Hastings A, Hilker FM (2020) Forecasting resilience profiles of the run-up to regime shifts in nearly-one-dimensional systems. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 17, 20200566.  

Adamson MW, Hilker FM (2020) Resource-harvester cycles caused by delayed knowledge of the harvested population state can be dampened by harvester forecasting. Theoretical Ecology 13, 425-434.

Adamson MW, Morozov AY (2020) Identifying the sources of structural sensitivity in partially specified biological models. Scientific Reports 10, 16926.

Hilker FM, Liz E (2020) Threshold harvesting as a conservation or exploitation strategy in population management. Theoretical Ecology 13, 519–536. 

Hilker FM, Sun AT, Allen LJS, Hamelin FM (2020) Separate seasons of infection and reproduction can lead to multi-year population cycles. Journal of Theoretical Biology 489, 110158.

Kreienhop N, Klasmeier J, Beeken M (2020) Mikroplastik: Ein aktueller Forschungsgegen­stand der Wissenschaft. Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht - Chemie 31, 2-6.

Segura J, Hilker FM, Franco D (2020) Degenerate period adding bifurcation structure of one-dimensional bimodal piecewise linear maps. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 80, 1356-1376.

Sun AT, Hilker FM (2020) Analyzing the mutual feedbacks between lake pollution and human behaviour in a mathematical social-ecological model. Ecological Complexity 43, 100834. 

Vortkamp I, Barraquand F, Hilker FM (2020) Ecological Allee effects modulate optimal strategies for conservation in agricultural landscapes. Ecological Modelling 435, 109208.

Vortkamp I, Schreiber SJ, Hastings A, Hilker FM (2020) Multiple attractors and long transients in spatially structured populations with an Allee effect. Bulletin for Mathematical Biology 82, 82. 

Yakovchuk O, Mironova I (2020) Energetic particle precipitation during extreme space weather events. E3S Web of Conferences 196, 01006.


Allen LJS, Bokil VA, Cunniffe NJ, Hamelin FM, Hilker FM, Jeger MJ (2019) Modelling vector transmission and epidemiology of co-infecting plant viruses. Viruses 11, 1153.   

Bate AM, Hilker FM (2019) Preytaxis and travelling waves in an eco-epidemiological model. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 81, 995-1030.

Bulai IM, Hilker FM (2019) Eco-epidemiological interactions with predator interference and infection. Theoretical Population Biology 130, 191-202.

Hamelin FM, Allen LJS, Bokil VA, Gross LJ, Hilker FM, Jeger MJ, Manore CA, Power AG, Rúa MA, Cunniffe NJ (2019) Co-infections by non-interacting pathogens are not independent and require new tests of interaction. PLoS Biology 17, e3000551. 

Hilker FM, Liz E (2019) Proportional threshold harvesting in discrete-time population models. Journal of Mathematical Biology 79, 1927-1951.  

Schakau V, Hilker FM, Lewis MA (2019 Fish disease dynamics in changing rivers: Salmonid Ceratomyxosis in the Klamath River. Ecological Complexity 40, 100776.

Segura J, Hilker FM, Franco D (2019) Enhancing population stability with combined adaptive limiter control and finding the optimal harvesting-restocking balance. Theoretical Population Biology 130, 1-12.

Vortmann S, Remy D, Klasmeier J, Beeken M (2019) Student experiments on the topic of micro-plastics in the environment for secondary education level II: The coffee pad machine experiment and sediment analysis. World Journal of Chemical Education 7, 96-101.

Weide V, Varriale MC, Hilker FM (2019) Hydra effect and paradox of enrichment in discrete-time predator-prey models. Mathematical Biosciences 310, 120-127. 

Zarfl C, Berlekamp J, He F, Jähnig SC, Darwell W, Tockner K (2019) Future large hydropower dams impact global freshwater magafauna. Scientific Reports 9, 18531.


Francomano E, Hilker FM, Paliaga M, Venturino E (2018) Separatrix reconstruction to identify tipping points in an eco-epidemiological model. Applied Mathematics and Computation 318, 80-91.


Barraquand F, Louca S, Abbott KC, Cobbold CA, Cordoleani F, DeAngelis DL, Elderd BD, Fox JW, Greenwood P, Hilker FM, Murray DL, Stieha CR, Taylor RA, Vitense K, Wolkowicz GSK, Tyson RC (2017) Moving forward in circles: challenges and opportunities in modeling population cycles. Ecology Letters 20, 1074-1092.

Hamelin FM, Hilker FM, Sun AT, Jeger MJ, Hajimorad MR, Allen LJS, Prendeville HR (forthcoming) The evolution of parasitic and mutualistic plant-virus symbioses through transmission-virulence trade-offs. Virus Research, accepted.

Hilker FM, Allen LJS, Bokil VA, Briggs CJ, Feng Z, Garrett KA, Gross LJ, Hamelin FM, Jeger MJ, Manore CA, Power AG, Redinbaugh MG, Rua MA, Cunniffe NJ (2017) Modelling virus coinfection to inform management of maize lethal necrosis in Kenya. Phytopathology 107, 1095-1108.

Hilker FM, Paliaga M, Venturino E (2017) Diseased social predators. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 79, 2175-2196.  

Numfor E, Hilker FM, Lenhart S (2017) Optimal culling and biocontrol in a predator-prey model. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 79, 88-116.

Pennekamp F, Adamson MW, Petchey OL, Poggiale JC, Aguiar M, Kooi BW, Botkin DB, DeAngelis DL (in press) The practice of prediction: What can ecologists learn from applied, ecology-related fields? Ecological Complexity, to appear.

Segura J, Hilker FM, Franco D (2017) Population control methods in stochastic extinction and outbreak scenarios. PLoS ONE 12, e0170837.

Teixeira Alves M, Hilker FM (2017) Hunting cooperation and Allee effects in predators. Journal of Theoretical Biology 419, 13-22.

Yakan SD, Focks A, Klasmeier J, Okay OS (2017) Numerical evaluation of bioaccumulation and depuration kinetics of PAHs in Mytilus galloprovincialis. Environmental Pollution 220, 1244-1250.


Bengfort M, Malchow H, Hilker FM (2016) The Fokker-Planck law of diffusion and pattern formation in heterogeneous environments. Journal of Mathematical Biology 73, 683-704.

Segura J, Hilker FM, Franco D (2016) Adaptive threshold harvesting and the suppression of transients. Journal of Theoretical Biology 395, 103-114. 


Kehrein N, Berlekamp J, Klasmeier J (2015) Modelling the fate of down-the-drain chemicals in whole watersheds: New version of the GREAT-ER software. Environmental Modelling & Software 64, 1-8.

Zarfl C, Lumsdon AE, Berlekamp J, Tydecks L, Tockner K (2015) A global boom in hydropower dam construction. Aquatic Sciences 77, 161-170.


Bate AM, Hilker FM (2014) Disease in group-defending prey can benefit predators. Theoretical Ecology 7, 87-100.

Bengfort M, Feudel U, Hilker FM, Malchow H (2014) Plankton blooms and patchiness generated by heterogeneous physical environments. Ecological Complexity 20, 185-194.

Cid B, Hilker FM, Liz E (2014) Harvest timing and its population dynamic consequences in a discrete single-species model. Mathematical Biosciences 248, 78-87. 

Dekiff JH, Remy D, Klasmeier J, Fries E (2014) Occurrence and spatial distribution of microplastics in sediments from Norderney. Environmental Pollution 186, 248-256.

Franco D, Hilker FM (2014) Stabilizing populations with adaptive limiters: prospects and fallacies. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 13, 447-465.

Jin Y, Hilker FM, Steffler PM, Lewis MA (2014) Seasonal invasion dynamics in a spatially heterogeneous river with fluctuating flows. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 76, 1522-1565. 

Sherratt JA, Dagbovie AS, Hilker FM (2014) A mathematical biologist's guide to absolute and convective instability. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 76, 1-26.

Sieber M, Malchow H, Hilker FM (2014) Disease-induced modification of prey competition in eco-epidemiological models. Ecological Complexity 18, 74-82.

Wagner M, Scherer C, Alvarez-Muñoz D, Brennholt N, Bourrain X, Buchinger S, Fries E, Grosbois C, Klasmeier J, Marti T, Rodriguez-Mozaz S, Urbatzka R, Vethaak D, Winther-Nielsen M, Reifferscheid G (2014) Microplastics in freshwater ecosystems: what we know and what we need to know. Environmental Sciences Europe 26, 1-9.


Bate AM, Hilker FM (2013) Complex dynamics in an eco-epidemiological model. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 75, 2059-2078. 

Bate AM, Hilker FM (2013) Predator-prey oscillations can shift when diseases become endemic. Journal of Theoretical Biology 316, 1-8.

Franco D, Hilker FM (2013) Adaptive limiter control of unimodal population maps. Journal of Theoretical Biology 337, 161-173.

Hilker FM, Liz E (2013) Harvesting, census timing and "hidden" hydra effects. Ecological Complexity 14, 95-107.

Müller T, Rosendahl I, Focks A, Siemens J, Klasmeier J (2013) Short-term extractability of sulfadiazine after application to soils. Environmental Pollution 172, 180-185.


Anderson KE, Hilker FM, Nisbet RM (2012) Directional biases and resource-dependence in dispersal generate spatial patterning in a consumer-producer model. Ecology Letters 15, 209-217.

Bate AM, Hilker FM (2012) Rabbits protecting birds: hypopredation and limitations of hyperpredation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 297, 103-115.

Fronhofer EA, Kubisch A, Hilker FM, Hovestadt T, Poethke HJ (2012) Why are metapopulations so rare? Ecology 93, 1967-1978.

Sieber M, Hilker FM (2012) The hydra effect in predator-prey models. Journal of Mathematical Biology 64, 341-360.

Zarfl C, Hotopp I, Kehrein N, Matthies M (2012) Identification of substances with potential for long-range transport as possible substances of very high concern. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19, 3152-3161.


Dattani J, Blake JCH, Hilker FM (2011) Target-oriented chaos control. Physics Letters A 375, 3986-3992.

Fries, E., Klasmeier, J., Gocht, T. (2011) Occurrence and distribution of benzothiazole in the Schwarzbach watershed (Germany). Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13, 2838-2843.

Sieber M, Hilker FM (2011) Prey, predators, parasites: intraguild predation or simpler community modules in disguise? Journal of Animal Ecology 80, 414-421.


Alder A.C., Schaffner C., Majewsky M., Klasmeier J., Fenner K. (2010): Fate of b-blocker human pharmaceuticals in surface water: Comparison of measured and simulated concentrations in the Glatt Valley Watershed, Switzerland. Water Res. 44, 936-948.

Bach M., Letzel M., Kaul U., Forstner S., Metzner G., Klasmeier J., Reichenberger S., Frede H.-G. (2010): Measurement and modeling of bentazone concentration in the river Main (Germany) originating from point and non-point sources. Water Res. 44, 3725-3733. 

Focks A., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2010): Mechanistic link between uptake of sulfonamides and bacteriostatic effect: Model development and application to experimental data from two soil microorganisms. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29(7), 1445-1452. 

Hilker FM, Lewis MA (2010) Predator-prey systems in streams and rivers. Theoretical Ecology 3, 175-193.

Hilker FM (2010) Population collapse to extinction: the catastrophic combination of parasitism and Allee effect. Journal of Biological Dynamics 4, 86-101.

Oliveira NM, Hilker FM (2010) Modelling disease introduction as biological control of invasive predators to preserve endangered prey. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 72, 444-468.

Stollenwerk N, van Noort S, Martins J, Aguiar M, Hilker F, Pinto A, Gomes G (2010) A spatially stochastic epidemic model with partial immunization shows in mean field approximation the reinfection threshold. Journal of Biological Dynamics 4, 634-649.


de Kok J.-L., Kofalk S., Berlekamp J., Hahn B., Wind H. G. (2009): From design to application of a Decision-support System for Integrated River-basin Management. Water Resources Management, 23 (9), 1781-1811.

Hilker FM, Langlais M, Malchow H (2009) The Allee effect and infectious diseases: extinction, multistability, and the (dis-)appearance of oscillations. American Naturalist 173(1), 72-88.

Hüffmeyer N., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2009): Geo-referenced modeling of zinc concentrations in the Ruhr River basin (Germany) using the model GREAT-ER. Science of the Total Environment 407 (7), 2296-2305.

Lautenbach S., Berlekamp J., Graf N., Seppelt R., Matthies M. (2009): Application of the Elbe-DSS: Scenario Analysis and Management Options. Environmental Modelling & Software 24, 26-43.

Matthies M., Klasmeier J., Beyer A., Ehling, C. (2009): Assessing persistence and long-range transport potential of current-use pesticides. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43 (24), 9223-9229.

Schauss K., Focks A., Heuer H., Kotzerke A., Schmitt H., Thiele-Bruhn S., Smalla K., Wilke B., Matthies M., Amelung W., Klasmeier J., Schloter M. (2009): Analysis, fate and effects of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in soil ecosystems. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 28 (5), 612-618.

Zarfl C., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2009) A conceptual model describing the fate of sulfadiazine and its metabolites observed in manure-amended soils. Chemosphere 77, 720-726.


Bester K., Hüffmeyer N., Schaub E., Klasmeier J. (2008) Surface water concentrations of the fragrance compound OTNE in Germany - A comparison between data from measurements and models. Chemosphere 73(8), 1366-1372.

Bester K., Klasmeier J., Kupper T. (2008) Emissions of OTNE (Iso-E-super). I. Mass flows in sewage treatment plants. Chemosphere 71 (11), 2003-2010.

Fries E., Klasmeier J. (2008) Analysis of potassium formate in airport storm water runoff by headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1216, 879-881.

Hilker FM, Schmitz K (2008) Disease-induced stabilization of predator-prey oscillations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 255(3), 299-306.

Matthies M., Witt J., Klasmeier J. (2008) Determination of soil biodegradation half-lives from simulation testing under aerobic conditions - a kinetic model approach. Environmental Pollution 156, 99-105.

Schulz M., Bischoff M., Klasmeier J., Berlekamp J., Matthies M. (2008) An empirical regression model of soluble reactive phosphorus retention in pristine streams evaluating tracer experiments. Aquatic Sciences 70, 115-122.

Zarfl C., Matthies M., Klasmeier J. (2008) A mechanistical model for the uptake of sulfonamides by bacteria. Chemosphere 70, 753-760.


Berlekamp J., Graf N., Hess O., Lautenbach S., Reimer S., Matthies M. (2007) Integration of MONERIS and GREAT-ER in the Decision Support System for the German Elbe River Basin. Environmental Modelling & Software 22(2), 239-247.

Gomes MGM, Rodrigues P, Hilker FM, Mantilla-Beniers NB, Muehlen M, Paulo ACAS, Medley GF (2007) Implications of partial immunity on the prospects for tuberculosis control by post-exposure interventions. Journal of Theoretical Biology 248(4), 608-617.

Hilker FM, Westerhoff FH (2007) Preventing extinction and outbreaks in chaotic populations. American Naturalist 170(2), 232-241.

Hilker FM, Langlais M, Petrovskii SV, Malchow H (2007). A diffusive SI model with Allee effect and application to FIV. Mathematical Biosciences 206(1), 61-80.

Hilker FM, Westerhoff FH (2007) Triggering crashes in chaotic dynamics. Physics Letters A 362(5-6), 407-411.


Hilker FM, Hinsch M, Poethke HJ (2006) Parameterizing, evaluating and comparing metapopulation models with data from individual-based simulations. Ecological Modelling 199(4), 476-485.

Hilker FM, Malchow H (2006) Strange periodic attractors in a prey-predator system with infected prey. Mathematical Population Studies 13(3), 119-134.

Hilker FM, Malchow H, Langlais M, Petrovskii SV (2006) Oscillations and waves in a virally infected plankton system: Part II: Transition from lysogeny to lysis. Ecological Complexity 3(3), 200-208.

Hilker FM, Westerhoff FH (2006) Paradox of simple limiter control. Physical Review E 73(5), 052901.

Klasmeier J., Matthies M., MacLeod M., Fenner K., Scheringer M., Stroebe M., Le Gall, A.-C., McKone T., van de Meent D., Wania F. (2006) Application of Multimedia Models for Screening Assessment of Long-Range Transport Potential and Overall Persistence. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(1), 53-60.

Matthies M., Berlekamp J., Lautenbach S., Graf N., Reimer S. (2006) System Analysis of Water Quality Management for the Elbe River Basin. Environmental Modelling & Software, 21(9), 1309-1318.

Matthies M., Klasmeier J., Hess O. (2006) GIS-basierte Modellierung von Gewässerimmissionen.  Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung - UWSF 18(2), 102-109.

Zarfl, C., Klasmeier, J., Matthies, M. (2006) Modellierung von Arsen in der Mulde. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 50(4), 169-177.


Becks L, Hilker FM, Malchow H, Jürgens K, Arndt H (2005) Experimental demonstration of chaos in a microbial food web. Nature 435, 1226-1229.

Fenner K., Scheringer M., MacLeod M., Matthies M., McKone T.E., Stroebe M., Beyer A., Bonnell M., Le Gall A.-C., Klasmeier J., Mackay D., van de Meent D.W., Pennington D., Scharenberg B., Suzuki N., Wania F. (2005) Comparing Estimates of Persistence and Long-Range Transport Potential among Multimedia Models.  Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(7), 1932-1942.

Hilker FM, Lewis MA, Seno H, Langlais M, Malchow H (2005) Pathogens can slow down or reverse invasion fronts of their hosts. Biological Invasions 7(5), 817-832.

Lessmann K., Beyer A., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2005) Influence of Distributional Shape of Substance Parameters on Exposure Model Output. Risk Analysis 25(5), 1137-1146.

Malchow H, Hilker FM, Sarkar RR, Brauer K (2005) Spatiotemporal patterns in an excitable plankton system with lysogenic viral infection. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 42(9-10), 1035-1048.

Petrovskii SV, Malchow H, Hilker FM, Venturino E (2005) Patterns of patchy spread in deterministic and stochastic models of biological invasion and biological control. Biological Invasions 7(5), 771-793.


Fischer A., Müller M., Klasmeier J. (2004) Determination of Henry's law constant for MTBE at groundwater temperatures. Chemosphere 54(6), 689-694.

Malchow H, Hilker FM, Petrovskii SV (2004) Noise and productivity dependence of spatiotemporal pattern formation in a prey-predator system. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B 4(3), 705-711.

Malchow H, Hilker FM, Petrovskii SV, Brauer K (2004) Oscillations and waves in a virally infected plankton system: Part I: The lysogenic stage. Ecological Complexity 1(3), 211-223.

Book chapters and Proceedings (peer-reviewed)


Francomano E, Hilker FM, Paliaga M, Venturino E (2017) An efficient method to reconstruct invariant manifolds of saddle points. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation 10, 25-30.


Francomano E, Hilker FM, Paliaga M, Venturino E (2016) On basins of attraction for a predator-prey model via meshless approximation. AIP Conference Proceedings 1776(1), 070007.


Liz E, Hilker FM (2014) Harvesting and dynamics in some one-dimensional population models. In Theory and Applications of Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems (AlSharawi Z, Cushing J, Elaydi S, eds.). Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 102, 61-73.


Stone L, Hilker FM, Katriel G (2012) SIR models. In Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology (Hastings A, Gross L, eds.). University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 648-658.


Hahn B. M., Kofalk S., de Kok J.-L., Berlekamp J., Evers M. (2009): Elbe-DSS: a planning support system for strategic river basin planning. In: Geertman S., Stillwell J. (eds.) Planning Support Systems: Proven Methodologies and Best Practices. Springer.

Hilker FM (2009) Epidemiological models with demographic Allee effect. In Biomat 2008: International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology (Mondaini RP, ed.). World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 52-77. doi:10.1142/9789814271820_0003

Wissing J., Hüffmeyer N., Berlekamp J., Klasmeier J. (2009): Georeferenzierte Expositions-modellierung von Metallen in Oberflächengewässern als Ergänzung zu Konzentrationsmessungen. In: Reinhardt W., Krüger A., Ehlers M. (Hrsg). Geoinformatik 2009, Konferenzband. Ifgiprints, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Geoinformatik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Band 35, S. 65-70.


Malchow H, Hilker FM, Siekmann I, Petrovskii SV, Medvinsky AB (2008) Mathematical models of pattern formation in planktonic predation-diffusion systems: a review. In Aspects of Mathematical Modelling (Hosking RJ, Venturino E, eds.). Birkhäuser, Basel, pp. 1-26.


Malchow H, Hilker FM (2007) Pattern formation in models of nonlinear plankton dynamics: a minireview. In Multiple Scales in Ecology (Schröder B, Reuter H, Reineking B, eds.), Theorie in der Ökologie, vol. 13, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/M., pp. 3-20.


Hilker FM, Hinsch M, Poethke HJ (2004) How to compare different conceptual approaches to metapopulation modelling. In Complexity and Integrated Resources Management (Pahl-Wostl C, Schmidt S, Rizzoli AE, Jakeman AT, eds.). Transactions of the 2nd Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Volume 2, pp. 902-907. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Manno, Switzerland, ISBN 88-900787-1-5.


Malchow H, Petrovskii SV, Hilker FM (2003) Models of spatiotemporal pattern formation in plankton dynamics. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 88(332), 325-340.



Hilker FM (2005) Spatiotemporal patterns in models of biological invasion and epidemic spread. Logos Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-8325-1050-8



Schakau V, Lettmann KA, Wolff JO (2015) Modelling the seasonal occurrence and distribution of humanpathogenic bacteria within the German Bight, southern North Sea. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-1324.



Kreienhop N, Klasmeier J, Beeken M (2020) Mikroplastik: Ein aktueller Forschungsgegenstand der Wissenschaft. Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht - Chemie 31, 2-6.


Ehling C., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2010) ETAPOS – Ein Spreadsheet zur Identifizierung und Bewertung von PBT- und vPvB-Chemikalien. In: Wittmann J., Maretis D.K.(Hrsg). Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften. Shaker Verlag, Berichte aus der Umweltinformatik, pp. 129-140.

Klasmeier J., Berlekamp J., Hüffmeyer N., Matthies M. (2010) Integration von GIS und Modellierung zur georeferenzierten Simulation von Schwermetallen in Gewässern. In: Wittmann J., Maretis D.K.(Hrsg). Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften. Shaker Verlag, Berichte aus der Umweltinformatik, pp. 141-153.


Hahn B. M., Kofalk S., de Kok J.-L., Berlekamp J., Evers M. (2009) Elbe-DSS: a planning support system for strategic river basin planning. In: Geertman S., Stillwell J. (eds.) Planning Support Systems: Proven Methodologies and Best Practices. Springer.


Klasmeier J., Hüffmeyer N. (2008) Georeferenzierte Modellierung von Zink in Gewässern. (Geo-referenced Modelling of Zinc in surface waters.) wlb - Wasser, Luft und Boden 2008(1-2), 16-18.


Matthies M., Berlekamp J., Lautenbach S., Graf N. (2006): Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem für das Gewässergütemangement der Elbe – Konzept und Systemgestaltung. In: Perspektiven der Ingenieurökologie in Forschung, Ausbildung und Praxis (Eds. Filho W. L., Lüderitz V., Geller G.), Verlag Peter Lang, Frankfurt/M., pp. 95-111.


Berlekamp J., Graf N., Lautenbach S., Matthies M. (2005) A Decision Support System For Integrated River Basin Management Of The German Elbe. In Zerger A. and Argent R.M. (eds.) MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2005, pp. 1518-1524.

Hilker FM, Westerhoff FH (2005) Control of chaotic population dynamics: Ecological and economic considerations. Beiträge des Instituts für Umweltsystemforschung (Matthies M, ed.), No. 32, ISSN 1433-3805.

Matthies M., Klasmeier J. (2005) Georeferenzierte Expositionsabschätzung. Mitteilungen GDCh-FG Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie 11(3), 57-59.


Berlekamp J., Graf N., Hess O., Lautenbach S., Reimer S., Matthies M. (2004) Integration of MONERIS and GREAT-ER in the Decision Support System for the German Elbe River Basin. In Pahl-Wostl, C., Schmidt, S. and Jakeman, T. (eds) iEMSs 2004 International Congress: "Complexity and Integrated Resources Management". International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Osnabrueck, Germany, June 2004.

Heß O., Schröder A., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2004) Modellierung von Schadstoffflüssen in Flusseinzugsgebieten. Texte 19/04, Umweltbundesamt Berlin. ISSN 0722-186X.

Lautenbach S., Berlekamp J., Graf N., Reimer S., Matthies M. (2004): Integration von MONERIS und GREAT-ER in das Elbe-DSS. In: Interdisziplinäre Methoden des Flussgebietsmanagements (Möltgen, J., Petry, D., eds), Workshopbeiträge 15./16. März 2004, IFGIprints , Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Geoinformatik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Band 21, 317-324.


Berlekamp J., Graf N., Lautenbach S., Reimer S., Matthies M. (2003) Aufbau eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems (DSS) für ein Integriertes Flusseinzugsgebietsmanagement am Beispiel der Elbe. In: Strobl, Blaschke, Griesebner (Eds.), Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung XV, Beiträge zum AGIT Symposium Salzburg 2003. Wichmann, Heidelberg, 41-46.

Hilker FM (2003) Parametrisierung von Metapopulationsmodellen. Beiträge des Instituts für Umweltsystemforschung (Matthies M, ed.), No. 25, ISSN 1433-3805.

Lautenbach S., Berlekamp J., Graf N., Reime, S., Matthies M. (2003) Aufbau eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems zum Flussgebietsmanagement für das Einzugsgebiet der Elbe. In: Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften (Wittmann, J., Maretis, D.K., eds), Berichte aus der Umweltinformatik, ASIM-Mitteilung AMB 85, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 67-80.

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